Testimonials - Pine Rivers Yoga - Brisbane, Australia


Not sure if Yoga is right for you? I’d like to share my experience to give you some idea what yoga has done for me.
In 2010, I was diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), a terminal lung disease.  Respiratory specialists suggested I had 2 to 5 years left, with considerable degradation in my quality of life in that period. In fact in the first 12 months after diagnosis, I lost 20% lung capacity.
My illness ruled out my past sporting activities – hockey, bushwalking, diving – and my muscle tone and general fitness suffered without these.
Not to be beaten, I pursued many paths to fight off the decline and made a number of changes in my life and habits.  The most significant of these was starting yoga at Pine Rivers with Ruth and Calum.   The balanced program of Hatha Yoga has had a remarkable impact on my physiology and outlook. It also helped me to regain lost muscled tone, without straining my lungs and heart.
My respiratory specialist has graphed my progress since diagnosis.  The most significant  event in the data has been the arresting of my serious respiratory decline from 12% in one quarter, to a stable decline of only 1 to 2.0% per quarter.  The data collected indicates the time of arrest coincides with commencing Yoga with Pine Rivers Yoga.  Yes, I changed diet as well and varied my lifestyle, but the evidence suggests that Yoga has been a catalyst in my better quality of life and general health.
So, if I could sway your thinking at all, it would be to give Yoga a go. What do you have to lose?
Happy Yoga,
Dr Stuart McMillan

And 12 months on



Even though he happens to be wearing the same gear - it is a year later!!!






Hi Ruth,
Just to say that I found the 4 week class very useful in consolidating my home practice and more so in giving me a lot of new ideas / methods to work on.  I'd be very interested in continuing with this class if it is extended.

Many thanks


Hi Ruth,
I just wanted to let you know how much I really enjoyed Tanya's 4 week relaxation and meditation course. I have been waiting for a course like this for a while now and I got even more out of it than I could have hoped.
I found it really valuable to have so much time set aside to explore a variety of relaxation and mindfulness techniques that we don't get to spend a lot of time on in normal classes. The workshops were sequenced in a way that I think really helped to prepare me for the final sitting practice each session. Not to mention the relaxation was absolutely blissful.
Over the four weeks I found that both my enjoyment of the meditation practice and determination to stay in the sitting posture grew- as well as my level of comfort. I have now re-committed to a daily practice.
I would love the opportunity to continue to practice through a course or regular classes similar to this so I hope there is enough interest to continue. Kind regards Emily

Hi Ruth,
After I had time to reflect on last night's class, I was amazed at how before the class I was feeling unusually unmotivated/flat and after the class (and today) I was quite the opposite!  Physically I didn't feel nearly as rejuvenated as I was mentally which was also interesting.  

In the past year (my 4th year of yoga) I've only just started noticing the significant psychological effects of yoga (apart from the obvious relaxation effect).  This was further highlighted by the candle gazing where the experience was totally different from 12 months prior.

Another observation that seems to have kicked-in during the past 12 months is the reason why I was so interested in yoga in the first place which was to fix my long-standing back issues.  I've noticed that my back has improved significantly to the point where I had no issues on my trip to Port Douglas after 4 hours in a plane and 500km of driving.  In previous years this really would have taken its toll.  It is as if I am wearing a fully supportive back brace all of the time!

Bottom line Ruth, thank-you very much for all of your teaching over the past several years! 

Cheers, Mike Clahsen

Hi Ruth. Just wanted to say thanks for great classes Really enjoyed it & to add a bit that I could have said this morning Finally getting up in upward bow pose was great but that’s not the half of it. Lifting a leg in the pose was always a dream of mine "even though I fell over you get that". I know a few people that can do it. One of them is the girl who was going to come with me this year but couldn't make it.

I was going to text her and tell her I did it but I don't know Don't want to make it an ego thing, I also think it was good when you got us all to share something about the class. If you'd done that the first time I came I would have frozen I used to be very nervous BUT what I've taken away from there more than anything  would you believe is the interlace the fingers press palms to the ceiling bit  I thought aaah yes..

cya Sandy

AVEO “Oldies”

Katie who is in her 80s is fit enough to travel back to Germany to see her latest great grandchild. Irena decided to do a serious mountain holiday in the Pyrenees.  Cliff, also nearly 90, rarely misses a class and can occasionally be seen walking around the area with big poles as his walking sticks.  

Right: Ruth's oldest student Lily is 92

January 2013

Hi Ruth
My condition has greatly improved since I saw you. I've been doing the exercises you suggested three times a day, and I think they've really helped, so thanks, I'm really grateful for that!
Thanks again, Andrew

"YOGA, why I started it and why I keep doing it.  A few years ago I had some major life changes and was rather unwell.  I felt I needed some time for myself to help the healing process so I joined the yoga class.  Yoga has made me more flexible than I have been in the last 20 years, so that every day movements are so much easier.  I can do vacuuming or gardening or go for a long walk without getting sore.  My thinking is clearer and I'm learning to find the OFF switch for my worries.  Relaxation time and learning new breathing techniques is keeping me much calmer.  When I go on holidays and don't do regular yoga I really miss it and can't wait to start again.  The benefits for me are so great that I intend to be a yogi for the rest of my life." Julie



Yoga for everyday life.

Kevin,  September 2012



Hi Ruth
Just a line to let you know that, now I have moved away from your area, I realise what seriously good yoga teachers I had in you and Calum.
As yet, I haven't been able to find any classes which even claim to be of the calibre you offered, despite following every lead I have come across.  Not to be daunted, I have been attending Balance and Pump classes offered at the gym and I am definitely getting stronger and more flexible.  Luckily all your advice and technique correction comes back to me and enables me to make the most of what we do which includes a Yoga component.
Once again, thank you to both you and Calum for all the effort you both put into teaching us and making sure we persevered until we got it right (or as right as we could)!

Hi Ruth,
I just thought I would take this opportunity to say " Thank you" for allowing me to participate in your "yoga" classes this passed year. You are an excellent teacher; and a wonderful dedicated, caring person. Your clear instructions and your gentle personal encouragements motivates the whole room!!!
For me, it has been a wonderful, very beneficial first yoga experience and although I still find some of the routines difficult and while I still have room for improvement, my core strength and flexibility has increased greatly!!..( and every Monday & Thursday evenings I sleep well!)......thanks again
Cheers, Jenny

Dear Ruth,
Since returning to yoga after taking a break of almost 18 months, I must say that I am feeling immediate benefits. While I was away from yoga, I would wake up in the morning and the backs of my legs and knees were very stiff and sore. Some mornings I would feel almost 100 years old as I hobbled around. I also went through a period of insomnia but this appears to have eased since returning to yoga.
I enjoy your teaching very much as you are mindful of our individual limitations but at the same time urge us to do our best. I look forward to another great year of yoga.
Regards, Judy

Mon 7:30-8:45am Multi Level
Tue 9:15-10:45am Multi Level
Tue 6:30-8:00pm Multi Level
Wed 9:15-10:45am Easy Multi Level
Wed 9:15-10:00am Yoga for 60+
Wed 10:30-11:00am Chair Yoga
Thu 6:30-8:00pm Multi Level
Fri 9:15-10:45am Multi Level
Sat 8:00-9:30am Multi Level